Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Segolia: Daughter of Prophecy

Our beautiful daughter has spent the last 4 years writing and rewriting a book.  And it has just been published!!!  It's AWESOME!  I've really enjoyed reading it - I am amazed at the talent of this beautiful young woman!
It is a story appropriate for pre-teens - adults.  A story of dragons, elves, war and love.  I love how the characters come to life.

Anyway - check it out.  You can purchase from Tate publishing - go to books - and type in Segolia or Brittany Oldroyd.  It is also available for a kindle.  You can also get it on Amazon for your kindle - but the launch date isn't until July 2, 2013 so if you get it from Kindle you have to wait.  It is now available from Tate right now.

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Brittany's blog.  Her book is currently being published - will be in stores in about 10 months!  Wahoo!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

JD is 5

JD was so excited to be 5.  He told Luke that he was now a big boy.  Luke can't wait a couple of months until he is also 5 and now a big boy.  We love you JD!  You are such a big boy!


Dave and I just got back from a great trip to Chicago.  We went for the mid-winter dental meeting, which actually is one of our favorites!  I know going to Chicago in February doesn't sound like a good idea - but we have always had the best time!  I usually just go to classes with Dave.  I love just being able to sit by him - the classes are always boring - but I can read a book or play a game on my phone, and we just get to sit by each other!  BLISS!
We went to see the play South Pacific - it was great.  We walked there (I love walking in downtown Chicago, just something magical about it!)  We also started walking home but by then it was sleeting and we tried for about a half an hour to get a cab.  We finally did and by the time we got to our room we were soaking wet.
We also visited the Shed Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium.  (We used to have annual passes to the Shed when we lived in Iowa).  Lots of fun.
Thanks Judy for staying with kids (especially taking care of our sick kids!)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Love you so much!!!

Luke is constantly telling us "love you so much!" "Love you so much, Mom!"  "Love you so much, Dad!"
He runs around the house telling each of us.  It always warms my heart and makes me smile.  Sometimes I wonder why we have such a hard time telling each other "I love you so much!"
I have been thinking a lot about our journey to bring home our boys.  Luke told us the other day that "I don't belong to Guatemala anymore - I belong to you guys!"  And yes he and JD do belong to us!  I am so grateful that they are part of our eternal family.
It has almost been four years since we were finally able to bring them home.  JD came home 4 years ago in March and Luke has been with us 4 years in May.

What wonderful blessings they are!  We are often told how we have blessed their lives and how lucky they are - but honestly, we are just as luck to have them in our lives.  They are wonderful "dudes" and we are so blessed to have them.  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Todd 16 years old!!!

Todd wanted new scriptures for his birthday!  Wish granted!  We love you Todd!  So proud of you!!!

Happy 14th birthday Jess!!!

Halloween 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Brit and I went to Las Vegas to the Lion King for her birthday!  We sure had a great time.  If you get the opportunity to go to the Lion King - GO!!!!  I cant believe my sweet Brittany was born 18 years ago.  In so many ways it seems like just yesterday.  I am so grateful for her - for her testimony and good example.  For her help and for the amazing way she cares for her brothers and sisters.  She is such a wonderful person!   I love you Brit!!!


My photo
I am a stay at home mom with 7 kids. I love being a mom. I love being a wife to the WORLDS greatest husband ever!!!!!! Life is busy and full of surprises but it is good.