We ran away and I called 911. We just watched the truck burn for about 35 minutes until the first rescue people arrived. I got a hold of Dave (FINALLY) I was so worried he would drive up to the truck and not know we were ok and try to run up to it. The fireman came and put the fire out and told me it was an electrical fire - which is interesting because our truck has never worked right. The fuel gage would go from empty to full to anything inbetween - the cd player would over heat after a few minutes of listening to a cd and not play anymore - the ac on the passinger side NEVER worked - it would blow HOT air only! And the console always felt hot - we always found these things to be annoying! But had NO idea how dangerous it was. The ironic thing is that yesterday 2 days after the fire I received a letter from GMC telling me there is a recall because of the ac possibly overheating!
I really feel so blessed if things would have been slightly different we wouldn't be here. Dave and I are Ma's and Pa's for the pioneer trek when we were set apart I received a blessing that I would be watched over - protected and healthy and well.
If I wouldn't have had Brittany with me I wouldn't have had time to get both boys out, if I didn't have the boats I wouldn't have looked back so frequently, if it would have been Sat or Sun the wind was blowing at 45 - 65 mph all day and we would have caught the forest on fire, if we would have been on the freeway - it would have been disasterous - really everything that happened was a miracle - I am so grateful that I was able to get my family out safely! Brittany you are a HERO!
Oh MY GOSH!!!! That's about all I can say! I am SO glad you are all ok! What a scary thing to have happen! I'm so glad Heavenly Father was watching out for you!
So crazy! Aren't these moments so powerful! It amazes me how frequently we are helped by our Heavenly Father and we probably only realize it occasionally. Anyway, I am so grateful you are all safe - what a blessing and a miracle!!!
I'm in tears. Such a scary experience but a testimony building one for sure. Thanks for sharing. I'm happy you are all okay.
So glad for a happy turnout
Every time I look at your photos I get kind of sick to my stomach. It is true that you were protected and it is also true that you were watchful and careful - perhaps a message from the Holy Ghost?! Glad you are writing about it - it will be a testimony builder for years to come. So sorry the little guys are scared of the fires - it will be go to have them here soon.
That last "janna" post is really Judy - don't know how to get off her page and onto mine - oh, dear.
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"Every time I look at your photos I get kind of sick to my stomach. It is true that you were protected and it is also true that you were watchful and careful - perhaps a message from the Holy Ghost?! Glad you are writing about it - it will be a testimony builder for years to come. So sorry the little guys are scared of the fires - it will be go to have them here soon."thank for share,i like it, you can visit http://gamesforkids.name
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