Sunday, December 19, 2010


My dudes crack me UP!!!!!  We had to go out of sacrament meeting for a little while.  When returning I told them to be reverent and fold their arms.  They led the way back to the front of the chapel.  I looked up to the stand and saw Dave and the Bishop chuckling.  I wasn't sure why until they walked past our bench.  I sat down and called them and they turned around - apparently they walked up with arms folded and eyes closed.  HAHA 

1 comment:

Linds said...

So cute! I wish I could have seen this. :) It makes me chuckle just to imagine it.


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I am a stay at home mom with 7 kids. I love being a mom. I love being a wife to the WORLDS greatest husband ever!!!!!! Life is busy and full of surprises but it is good.